
  • teacher student reflection

    Are we just teaching or also reflecting?

    Hello everyone! How will I know if my students understood the concept? Is there something that I need to work on? What went on well today? Shall I continue…

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  • mindfulness and meditation

    Are you living in the present moment?

    Hello everyone! Let us begin by asking few questions to ourselves. Is my mental health stable? Do I need to work on my mental health Is my work stressful?…

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  • mindset for students by Carol Dweck

    Do you have a GROWTH mindset or a FIXED mindset?

    Hello everyone! If you guys are actively engaged with my contents you know that Mindset is on the top teaching strategies used to engage and know about your learners….

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  • top 10 teaching strategies

    The wait is over-The GENNIE of teaching strategies is here!

    Hello everyone! Let us encounter various strategies that might help you deal with effective teaching that involves the use of various strategies to engage students, promote understanding, and foster…

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  • life of a teacher

    Life of a teacher: Does it GLOW or GROW?

    Hello everyone! Welcome to the only place where you can find numerous Teaching-learning resources for students as well as for teachers. These resources will not only assist learners to…

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