Are we just teaching or also reflecting?

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teacher student reflection
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Hello everyone!

  • How will I know if my students understood the concept?
  • Is there something that I need to work on?
  • What went on well today?
  • Shall I continue this way of teaching?

If these are few questions that come across every time when you complete your lesson then you are at the right place.

For all those who aren’t familiar with the term reflection it just simply means a process where students describe their learning, how it changed, and how it might relate to future learning experiences.

Is it only the students who reflect? The answer is NO! We as teachers also need to reflect on our methods of teaching where we can work on ourselves and find better solutions and outcomes.

Student reflection

Let’s come out of the traditional way of teaching and asking questions to students. What next? Does this way always work? Does everybody feel save and secure to share their views in front of everyone? Are you giving your students agency?

As a teacher it is an important aspect as it will nurture the child. To understand how we can help students we should first know where they are facing difficulties. And that where reflection sheet are useful. There are different types of reflection strategies that can be used like self reflection, behavioural reflection, unit reflection, end of term reflection, field trip review and reflection sheets and so on.

Teacher reflection

Do I also need to reflect as a teacher? What can I reflect on? Before teaching our students it is important to learn ourselves and improvise first. There are numerous things we can reflect on as a teacher. We can reflect on our lesson plans, unit plans, teaching methods, teaching strategies our moods and many more.

Here are few strategies and task that you can introduce in your classroom.

click here:Student teacher reflection

You can also refer some other strategies in teaching 

teaching reflection of a student
student and teacher reflection


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